by Nikole Garcia | Oct 10, 2013 | DIY Design, Web Tech |
Adding pictures to your blog posts, Facebook posts, and tweets is a great way to get attention … but you don’t want to take up a lot of time. Here are some great options for quickly making eye-catching photos for your posts: Online Picmonkey for editing,...
by Nikole Garcia | Oct 7, 2013 | Web Tech |
How do I get Facebook to display the thumbnail and summary for my blog post? When you send all the correct metadata to Facebook, your posts on Facebook will look something like this: In order for this to happen, your blog must be sending Facebook the correct data,...
by Nikole Garcia | Aug 14, 2012 | DIY Design |
Featured Images in WordPress are used differently by different themes In some themes, they are used as a thumbnail for the post. In some, they are used as the image that is supplied to Facebook or Pinterest for linking. Regardless of how your current theme uses them,...