by Nikole Garcia | Jul 12, 2017 | DIY Design |
This is a common question I’m asked – how do I make my site faster? While there are a variety of techniques that I use to help speed up a site, decreasing the image load is often the one thing that helps the most. But what does that mean, exactly? So...
by Nikole Garcia | Oct 10, 2013 | DIY Design, Web Tech |
Adding pictures to your blog posts, Facebook posts, and tweets is a great way to get attention … but you don’t want to take up a lot of time. Here are some great options for quickly making eye-catching photos for your posts: Online Picmonkey for editing,...
by Nikole Garcia | Oct 8, 2013 | Web Tech |
A question I received earlier today: I have a responsive mobile site, yet for the life of me I can’t remember how to make a video responsive, ie mobile friendly. How can I get my videos to stretch and shrink with the screen size? The answer is that you need to...
by Nikole Garcia | Jul 17, 2013 | DIY Design |
There has been a ton of talk lately about the new site for Chris Guillebeau’s latest launch, Adventure Capital. The site, beautifully and creatively designed by Tsilli Pines, features a single-page-style theme with sliding windows of content. The biggest...
by Nikole Garcia | Apr 18, 2013 | How They Do It |
This post is the sixth in the "How They Do It" series, where I will be featuring entrepreneurs and the solutions they are using to launch and run their businesses. In this edition, I’m chatting with Sarah Prout. Sarah Prout is the co-founder of...