Spring seems like the best time for a fresh take … and a new website! Several of my managed hosting clients have refreshed their looks and relaunched their sites, including:

  • Heather Plett who moved from an old Hybrid install to a new Divi site.
  • Brigitte Lyons who reclaimed her site on her name domain and added some updated graphics.
  • Sasha Cagen who upgraded an outdated theme to a new ANTHEM Divi child theme.

While I love to see what my clients are working on (either by themselves or with the help of a designer), their redesigns are also a time for me to redesign the tech behind the scenes. Here are the things I work on while they are working on the front end:

  • Updating the site to use SSL (https).
  • Removing outdated or unused plugins.
  • Removing old themes.
  • Updating all plugins and WordPress itself. (Sometimes an older site will become outdated because the theme wasn’t allowing for new updates, so it’s important to update everything when moving into the redesign process.)
  • Optimizing the site and adding caching at relaunch.
  • Cleaning up any unused installs or folders.
  • Running general security checks to ensure a safe launch.

If you are a hosting client with me, I will gladly make you a dev install and get all these things in place for you. If you are working with a different host or developer, make sure you give them the above list to make sure everything is in top shape in time for your relaunch. I’ve seen too many people put a new face on old tech, and that is no way to start out a pretty new site! Be sure that your back end is just as pretty as your front end and you’ll be off to a great start with your new site!

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